NI, AWR develop link between software environments

1 min read

National Instruments has announced new connectivity between its LabVIEW system design software and AWR's Visual System Simulator (VSS) software for rf and microwave system design.

The link is said to be the result of the first major joint development between the two companies following NI's acquisition of AWR. According to NI, the move will help engineers to better use measurements in their design flow by executing LabVIEW code directly from the AWR design environment. "This integration between NI LabVIEW and AWR VSS is the direct result of our first joint initiative," said Joe Pekarek, AWR's chief technology officer. "We're very happy with the new capabilities that LabVIEW cosimulation brings to VSS and are looking forward to further product integration in the future." With the new link, AWR Design Environment can now incorporate LabVIEW signal processing capabilities, including multirate digital signal processing, wireless standards, modulation and fixed point maths. Engineers can also integrate Vhdl and LabVIEW FPGA Module code directly into VSS diagrams, while new connectivity to PXI and traditional rf instrumentation is said to make it easier for measurement data to be incorporated into simulations.