The BlueBox engine is said to provide OEMs and their suppliers with the technology to meet the stringent safety, power and processing performance requirements of the global automotive industry.
“With this industry-first platform, NXP is leveraging its worldwide automotive silicon leadership to dramatically advance the state of autonomous vehicles,” said Kurt Sievers, executive vice president and general manager of NXP’s Automotive Business. “Our systems-level expertise, deep understanding of complex ADAS engineering challenges, and broad portfolio of NXP products meeting automotive-grade functional safety requirements, all position NXP as the definitive silicon provider capable of single-handedly speeding the readiness and availability of the self-driving cars of tomorrow.”
In autonomous vehicles systems, multiple streams of sensor data are routed to the BlueBox engine, where they create a 360° world model around the vehicle. This functionality is said to improve car safety by both managing and preventing emergency situations. BlueBox and its connected secure smart solutions also incorporate the embedded intelligence and machine learning required for complete situational assessments, supporting advanced classification tasks, object detection, localisation, mapping and vehicle driving decisions.