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Real time upgrades boost bandwidth
1 min read
Agilent has launched two upgrade options for its PXA X-Series of signal analyers. The upgrades offer real time spectrum analysis and are said to offer 'unmatched' probability of intercept (POI), analysis bandwidth, sensitivity and frequency range.

POI is said to be a key benchmark; when configured for real-time spectrum analysis, the PXA can detect signals with durations as short as 3.57µs. Guy Séné, president of Agilent's Electronic Measurement Group, said: "Only the real time PXA combines a high performance signal analyzer and real time analysis. It gives users greater confidence that they've achieved a detailed understanding of what's happening inside a signal rich system or environment."
Two upgrades are available for PXA devices. The N90303AK-RT1 boosts bandwidth to 85MHz, while the RT2 increases bandwidth to 160MHz. Because the upgrades have a spurious free dynamic range of 75dB across their bandwidth,
Agilent says users can take deep and wide measurements anywhere within a range of 50GHz. The ability to vary the resolution bandwidth within a measurement span allows users to better resolve closely spaced signals, identify intermittent low level signals and further improve POI.