Report outlines recommendations for future success of UK nanotechnology

1 min read

The Nanotechnology Mini-Innovation and Growth Team (Mini-IGT) has issued a report to the government, outlining its recommendations for the future success of nanotechnology in the UK.

The report, entitled Nanotechnology: a UK Industry View, details work carried out by the Mini-IGT following the 'UK Manufacturing needs nanotechnology – Closing the Skills Gap' event held on May 11. It provides supporting information and detailed proposals based on the evidence from an industry survey and conclusions from the event. It also summarises the issues, recommendations and the responsible departments for ensuring appropriate skills are available in support of the growth of the UK's manufacturing industries. One key recommendation is that the Department for Business Innovation and Skills supports vocational training, which is seen as vital to the provision of hands on technicians and operators. A view is also given of what the UK status on nanotechnology would be in 2020, assuming that the recommendations are followed in the intervening years. These recommendations are in line with the UK government's strategy for New Industry, New Jobs, which is part of its Building Britain's Future campaign. The full report can be downloaded below.