Science teaching in primary schools 'less of a priority', says CBI report

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A survey conducted by the CBI has concluded that science has become less of a curriculum priority in primary schools. Its survey, conducted in association with Brunel University, found that more than a third of schools now provide less than the recommended two hours of science education a week.

The survey, called Tomorrow's World, is said to show that:

  • 53% of the 260 primary school teachers surveyed by the CBI believe teaching science has become less of a priority over the past five years, although 14.5% say it is now more of a priority
  • A third of teachers (33%) lack confidence when teaching science, but 54% felt confident
  • 62% want more professional development to build their confidence
  • 39% called for a science subject specialist within their primary school
  • More than a third (36%) of schools surveyed teaching science at Key Stage 2 do not provide the minimum recommended two hours of science education each week and 7.5% of primary schools teach less than one hour each week.

John Cridland, pictured, CBI Director-General, said: "A lack of science, technology, engineering and maths skills are already holding back economic growth and this will only get worse if we don't energise the next generation. How can we expect to inspire future generations of scientists and engineers if we don't deliver high quality and inspiring science lessons at primary school age? If we are not careful, too many children will have lost interest in science before they hit their teens."

The report also finds that more than 70% of primary school teachers want more support from business. And three quarters of those say they would find it helpful for businesses to offer use of their equipment and facilities.

Professor Julia Buckingham, Vice Chancellor of Brunel University, added: "None of us should be in any doubt of the critical importance of ensuring that the education system inspires interest and enthusiasm for the sciences and provides careers advice and guidance as early as possible for school students. Not only does the nation's prosperity depend on this, it is also vital to ensure that educational and careers opportunities are not prematurely closed off for young people."

The report makes a series of recommendations, including:

  • The UK and devolved Governments must set targets to have the best performing schools for science in Europe – and in the top five worldwide – by 2020. This should be underpinned by a new science education strategy covering primary, secondary and tertiary education
  • Primary schools should ensure professional development for science is of a high standard and carried out regularly to build the confidence of primary teachers to deliver high quality science lessons
  • Teachers should be encouraged to spend more time with businesses and universities to enhance their understanding of scientific theory and its practical applications
  • All primary schools should have a subject leader for science in place to drive forward the subject as a priority in each school
  • Businesses and universities must divert more of their outreach resources to primary schools and not focus purely on secondary.