Seeing is believing
1 min read
The addition of DPX waveform image processor technology to Tektronix’ mid range RSA3000B series of real time spectrum analysers claims to provide a live rf view of the spectrum which enables an unprecedented rf signal discovery.

The addition of DPX waveform image processor technology to Tektronix’ mid range RSA3000B series of real time spectrum analysers claims to provide a live rf view of the spectrum which enables an unprecedented rf signal discovery capability for a broad range of digital rf applications, including rfid, radio communications, and spectrum management.
DPX transforms volumes of real time data and produces a unique live rf view of the spectrum display to reveal previously unseen rf signals and signal anomalies.
“Seeing really is believing,” claimed Tektronix’ director of marketing, Elaine May. “The entire test and measurement industry has moved to digital rf, but this requires a different set of tools. Test engineers can now discover previously undetectable signal problems and capture and trigger on them immediately. Tektronix’ family of real time spectrum analysers not only offers the horsepower of a spectrum and signal analyser, but also the intelligence of real time capability.”