SEGGER adds scope-like data visualization to SystemView

1 min read

SEGGER has introduced the DataPlot window for advanced data visualization in SystemView.

Credit: SEGGER

The DataPlot window enables users to record and visualize custom data samples over time.

When analysing system behaviour, inspecting variable data is a useful tool for verifying how the embedded system is functioning. SystemView's new data recording feature enables developers to record such variable data alongside runtime information events.

The DataPlot window presents a visualization of the recorded data in scope-like graphs, which are synchronised with SystemView's Timeline and CPU Load windows, providing information about the variable value and behaviour in each context of the system, helping to verify system behaviour or to find root causes of unwanted behaviours.

“SystemView is a unique tool for understanding exactly what is happening in an embedded system, tracing interrupts, task switches, API calls and other user events with cycle accuracy, typically better than 5 ns,” says Johannes Lask, Product Manager of SystemView at SEGGER. “SystemView is free for evaluation and non-commercial use under SEGGER's Friendly License. So, no additional hardware is required.”

As an example, a system which monitors its power consumption can record the measured samples with SystemView. With the visualization in the DataPlot window and the instant synchronisation with runtime information, developers can easily identify spikes in current and increases in power usage, synchronized to the task or event that triggered it.

SystemView is a real-time recording and visualization tool for embedded systems that reveals the true runtime behaviour of an application, going far deeper than the system insights provided by debuggers and is particularly useful when developing complex embedded systems comprised of multiple threads and interrupts.

SystemView's optimised target instrumentation enables recording data with cycle-accurate timestamps and supports sampling rates of 250 kHz or more in streaming setups using SEGGER’s J-Link and its Real-Time Transfer (RTT) feature.

The number of sample sources for graphing is not limited and is entirely configured on the target. Data samples are recorded, analysed, and visualized while the target system is running, and can be saved for documentation and later analysis.

The DataPlot window provides a flexible user interface and configuration options to enable detailed analysis of data. Data can be sent in fixed point or floating-point formats. Multiple variables can be recorded, each easily identifiable by a descriptive name and shown in different colours.

Graphs can be scaled and shifted for the best visualization of data with different ranges.