Silicon Labs buys Ireland based cmos sensor start up
ChipSensors, an early stage technology company creating single chip CMOS sensors for the detection of temperature, humidity and gases, has been acquired by Silicon Laboratories. The company's technology is said to complement Silicon Labs' touch, proximity sensing and MEMS technologies.

"In addition to a strong alignment with Silicon Labs' existing sensor related R&D efforts, ChipSensors' technology offers synergy with our mcu and wireless products, targeting similar end market applications and therefore enabling more content per system and unique integration opportunities," said Mark Downing, pictured, Silicon Labs' vice president of corporate strategy and business development.
ChipSensors' technology can enable sensors, signal conditioning circuits and rf transceiver functions to integrated on a cmos chip, together with a microcontroller and memory.
"Joining forces with Silicon Labs provides us with an exceptional opportunity to both collaborate with a team that has a reputation for the highest calibre mixed signal engineering and, potentially, grow the design team in Ireland to take advantage of the strong local technical talent," said Tim Cummins, ChipSensors's ceo and founder.