Software tools said to dramatically reduce dsp development starting time
1 min read
Texas Instruments has unveiled two free software tools which it claims reduce dsp development starting time from hours to minutes.

According to TI, the C6EZRun and C6EZAccel software development tools allow ARM developers to program the dsp. C6EZRun has been designed to enable ARM and Linux developers to port their current ARM applications to run on the dsp without changing their ARM code or learning dsp architectures. Partitioning code between the dsp and the ARM cores offloads the ARM and allows the dsp to process signal intensive algorithms.
TI says that by partitioning the code from the ARM to the dsp it can increase performance of certain algorithms by as much as 10 times.
C6EZAccel is designed to provide a framework to over 130 optimised dsp kernels, allowing them to add dsp functionality to their application as well as video, audio and voice codecs.
According to TI, the tools are suitable for adding digital signal processing functionality such as digital room correction capabilities to an audio system, people counting capabilities to a video system or power measurement and analysis to a power metering system.
Visit to download C6EZRun and to download C6EZAccel.