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ST retains number 1 MEMS foundry position

1 min read

STMicroelectronics remains the world's largest foundry manufacturer of microelectromechanical system (MEMS) sensors, according to research published by IHS iSuppli. The report estimates ST's MEMS revenue to be $228.6million, nearly five times greater than that of Texas Instruments.

It's the fourth year in a row that ST has held this position and it remains the only MEMS foundry with revenue in the hundred million dollar range. Jérémie Bouchaud, principal analyst for MEMS and sensors at IHS, said: "Inkjet wafers made for Hewlett-Packard represented most of ST's MEMS revenue. Although HP's inkjet revenue has been shrinking, ST managed to grow its foundry takings by capturing an increasing share of HP inkjet production in the last four years." Bouchaud added that ST has started working with other inkjet manufacturers and has won several foundry programs in the bio MEMS space, such as insulin pumps with Debiotech. Texas Instruments, the second placed company, has seen its MEMS foundry revenue slide steeply since 2004, the report notes. However, a contract manufacturing agreement for a large consumer company should start generating revenue for this year.