Strathclyde and Surrey to shape NPL’s future
1 min read
The Universities of Strathclyde and Surrey have been named as preferred partners in a strategic partnership with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). The move is said to help to provide future leadership for the NPL.

In the new arrangement, the Government will own NPL's operating company, with the Vice-Chancellors of the two universities joining the NPL Board alongside BIS.
NPL director Brian Bowsher said: "We are pleased the Minister has agreed that NPL should be a Government owned company and are delighted to be working with Strathclyde and Surrey. We have strong links with both universities and see exciting opportunities to broaden NPL's science, develop our regional footprint and continue the growth and impact of our work for UK industry."
The two universities will also work with BIS and NPL to shape the UK's scientific priorities. Included is the establishment of a Graduate Institute, which will train up to 300 high calibre PhD students, and the creation of a series of regional NPL hubs to reflect local expertise and business needs.
A number of opportunities have been identified for the partnership, including: joint working in areas such as space, healthcare and industrial applications of metrology; developing regional hubs; and creating a vibrant research community at the Teddington site, including the Post Graduate Institute.