Strong global wafer shipment growth forecast for 2011

Market analyst semi estimates 6% global wafer shipment growth in 2011, with 300mm shipments likely to grow in the region of 11 to 13%. While it forecasts that 150 and 200mm will see slower growth, it still expects increases of around 2 to 3%.

The figures come on the back of record levels for semiconductor sales, in both revenues and units, which generated tremendous growth in the semiconductor materials market. Total silicon wafer shipments, from the wafer suppliers to the fabs, grew 40% in 2010. According to semi, revenues for fab materials increased by an estimated 29% in 2010, with slicon wafer revenues approaching $10.2billion. It forecasts that the fab material segment will reach almost $10.8bn in 2011. The outlook of 5.5% revenue growth for total fab materials is in line with current expectations of modest single digit growth for the semiconductor industry in 2011. However, semi adds that stronger demand for electronics, especially mobile products, could result in even higher than expected growth for semiconductor products in 2011; therefore, increasing the amount of wafers processed and materials consumed.