Tech giants dominate global brands list

Technology giants dominated Interbrand's annual 100 Best Global Brands list, with IBM heading the list in 2nd place behind Coca-Cola.

The company, which has made 108 acquisitions since 2001 pushed Microsoft and Google into 3rd and 4th place, with the former suffering a year on year annual revenue decrease of 3%. GE and Intel took 5th and 7th place respectively, with the latter enjoying a 4% brand value increase over last year – while Nokia took 8th position and HP rose to 10th. Technology specialists also made the highest year on year rises on the list, with Apple rising 37%, and Google, 36%. The top 10 list – with Interbrand's brand value – is below. 1 Coca-Cola $70,452million 2 IBM $64,727m 3 Microsoft $60,895m 4 Google $43,557m 5 GE $42,808m 6 McDonald's $33,578m 7 Intel $32,015m 8 Nokia $29,495m 9 Disney $28,731m 10 Hewlett-Packard $26,867m