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Top tech firms collaborate to streamline rollout of Linux based devices

Top technology firms have announced a joint venture to speed the rollout of Linux based devices. ARM, Freescale, Samsung, ST-Ericsson, Texas Instruments and IBM are all taking stakes in the new company, Linaro.

The organisation is a non-profit software engineering outfit that intends to boost investments in development and roll out of devices using open source Linux software. These include such projects as Android, LiMo, MeeGo, Ubuntu and webOS. "The dramatic growth of open source software development can now be seen in internet-based, always-connected mobile and consumer products," Tom Lantzsch, Linaro's executive officer, said in a statement. "Linaro will help accelerate this trend further by increasing investment on key open source projects and providing industry alignment with the community to deliver the best Linux-based products for the benefit of the consumer," he said.