UK electronics firms invited to apply for R&D funding
UK electronics companies are being invited to take part in a competition for funding for collaborative R&D projects that aim to develop and stimulate technology within the European Organic and Large Area Electronics (OLAE) community.

The Technology Strategy Board will contribute up to €4million to winning projects, with the European Commission committing an additional €2m to co fund participation by UK companies.
A key objective of the coordinated programme, according to the TSB, is to enhance the supply chain by improving materials and processes. It is also aimed at contributing to knowledge and technology transfer from laboratory to manufacture, to accelerate the speed of innovation and industrial development of OLAE in Europe.
The competition opens on 24 October 2011 and first stage applications must be submitted by 31 January 2012.
Interested organisations should visit the competition website at http://www.olaeplus.euwhere they can register their profiles and identify potential collaborative partners.