UKTI celebrates UK research and innovation

1 min read

Business Enterprise Minister Mark Prisk is celebrating the UK's top businesses in technology and innovation at the Technology World in partnership with UK NanoForum event in East London today.

He will be visiting companies showcasing 'world class' innovations, including Bloodhound SSC - the car designed to beat the land speed record, and GENeco's 'bio-bug' car which runs on methane gas generated from human waste. "This is a day to celebrate the huge wealth of British talent in technology and innovation," said Prisk, pictured. "It is the high tech industries that are the future of the British economy, helping to provide the highly skilled, well paid jobs we need." The winners of UK Trade & Investment's Business Innovation Awards were also announced today. Intrinsiq Materials were the winners in the 'Emerging and nano technology' category for its copper ink formula, PhotonStar LED won the 'Energy and environment' category for its ultra efficient Smart LED light fittings, and AEP Networks were the winners in the 'Digital connected world' category for its online roaming device. "I congratulate the winners of the Business Innovation Awards" added Prisk. "They demonstrate why Britain is a world leader in research and innovation."