Wideband ddc processes 1GHz bandwidth

1 min read

Electronic systems designer, RF Engines (RFEL) has announced digital down converter (ddc) technology that can process up to 1GHz of bandwidth (2Gsp/s adc rate) input and provide a narrower band output.

According to RFEL, this technology can operate with fixed frequencies and bandwidths or be fully flexible as required. One of the main application areas is for electronic surveillance in military digital receivers, where this approach enables a desired signal band to be extracted from a wide slice of the spectrum in order that further analysis of the signal content can be carried out. The RFEL wideband ddc core is optimised for size and speed, on a range of Xilinx or Altera fpga devices. According to RFEL, it features options such as fractional re-sampling for arbitrary output bandwidth selection and the ability to implement the design in either logic-rich or dsp-rich fpga architectures. The company says it is committed to offering a portfolio of dsp IP cores and is currently engaged to research ddc designs in the +10Ghz range. "Our world class expertise in ddc design means that we optimise the solution to deliver exactly what is required using the minimum amount of silicon to keep costs down and well below that of a conventional solution," said Simon Underhay, RFEL's technical sales director. "As it draws on our library of IP cores that we have developed and perfected over the years, there is a very low technical risk and customers can be up and running very quickly."