Win an eco design CASE training grant

1 min read

The Electronics Knowledge Transfer Network (EKTN) is offering an Industrial CASE award, worth £62,298, to a company seeking to develop new technology in the areas of power management (including materials, devices, systems or products) or eco-design (innovative applications). This is a tremendous opportunity for companies who may wish to boost their research, development or design capabilities over the next three years through the EPSRC Industrial CASE training grants.

The Electronics Knowledge Transfer Network (EKTN) has the opportunity to offer an Industrial CASE award, worth £62,298, to a company seeking to develop new technology in the areas of power management (including materials, devices, systems or products) or eco-design (innovative applications). This is a tremendous opportunity for companies who may wish to boost their research, development or design capabilities over the next three years through the EPSRC Industrial CASE training grants. Industrial CASE Studentships fund a 3.5 year doctoral (PhD) student working on an industry relevant research project. Studentships are awarded to companies who define the project and identify the academic partner or vice versa. Collaborating companies will usually be in the private sector and SME involvement is encouraged. Once the studentship is awarded to the company, its academic partner recruits a suitable student to conduct the research. IP rights are agreed mutually between the research student, university and company at the outset of the project. The EPSRC grant covers the student’s stipend of £62,298 over 3.5 years, with a minimum company contribution of £20,766 to cover university overheads and facilities. It is expected that a proportion of this contribution would be used to top up the student’s minimum stipend. The company is also required to cover all expenses (such as travel and accommodation) for any time the student spends at the sponsoring company, plus expenses of the research student. In addition, the company must provide mentoring resource for the student for the project, plus three months on site work experience. The company can specify the research project and should work with universities and colleges to identify a suitable student. The project is eligible to start from 31 August 2007, but no later than 1 September 2008. Companies interested in participating should submit their application online at( The application should be a brief overview of the research project over the three year term, including an indication of market impact and commercial value. Applications, which should be received by Monday 23 July, will be assessed by a panel from the Board of the Electronic KTN and New Electronics, with the winner will announced by 31 July.