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Wind River launches hypervisor, boosts VxWorks portfolio
1 min read
Wind River has launched the Wind River Hypervisor, a Type-1 device whic supports virtualisation on single and multicore processor systems. According to the company, it provides integration with VxWorks and Wind River Linux, while supporting other operating systems. The Wind River Workbench development tools suite has also been extended to support development of software that runs on the Wind River Hypervisor.

"Wind River Hypervisor brings virtualisation to devices so embedded developers can achieve improved device functionality on smaller form factors," said Tomas Evensen, pictured, Wind River's chief technology officer.
Wind River makes it easier for customers to consolidate their systems and adopt multicore technology in devices by using
Key features in Wind River Hypervisor, include: support for single and multicore processors; focus on real time aspects, such as performance, latency, determinism and minimal footprint; protection between operating systems and cores, including starting, stopping, reloading operating systems to increase reliability; and optimised silicon specific hardware support.
Meanwhile, Wind River has added VxWorks MILS Platform 2.0 to its VxWorks product portfolio. According to the company, the virtualisation provided by the hypervisor, coupled with the security properties of the VxWorks MILS separation kernel, results in a MILS architecture designed to provide a high level of assurable security.