Wireless memory and nfc technology enable broader range of communication
1 min read
STMicroelectronics has announced a new dual interface eeprom, designed to enable new applications for smartphones.

The technology extends users' ability to read, write and transfer information on its dual interface memory to a range of industrial and consumer applications.
According to ST, the M24LR64 wireless memory has the ability to transmit and receive information from the heart of an application to a smartphone containing near field communication (nfc) technology or to an industrial rfid reader. This allows for transactions, data exchange, object identification and tracking to occur rapidly.
A new App, Dual EE, operates on the Android operating system and is designed to deliver full compatibility with ST's M24LR64 wireless memory. It connects an nfc enabled smartphone to a prototype temperature recorder featuring ST's M24LR64 wireless memory and demonstrates data transfer and storage. Transferable applications include medical devices, consumer electronics, meters and home appliances.
"The combination of this new Android app and our innovative dual interface wireless eeprom memory will allow users to communicate with a wide range of electronic devices via their nfc enabled smartphones," said Benoit Rodrigues, general manager of ST's Memories Division. "The introduction of the unique memory and the Android app is further evidence of ST's ability to develop new and innovative technologies and solutions for the fast growing NFC market."
The Dual EE app can be downloaded free of charge from the Android Market, and has already been validated on leading smartphones.