The PBR500 and PBR650 series offer power levels up to 500W and 650W respectively. Both accept a very wide, universal input range of 80VAC – 264VAC at 47Hz to 63Hz and offer a total of eight single output voltages (12V, 15V, 18V, 24V, 28V, 36V, 48V & 57V), giving system designers the flexibility to cover many applications with the same series.
Both series offer efficiencies of 90%, reducing the heat generated during operation and prolonging the lifetime.
The PBR500 is available in two formats. The U channel format provides 350 – 400W when convection cooled and 450 – 500W with external forced air cooling. The covered version, including a variable speed integral cooling fan for low audible noise, provides a complete 450 – 500W solution.
The PBR650 provides 600 – 650W in an enclosed supply also with a variable speed integral fan with low audible noise.
The products have very low earth and patient leakage currents and provide 2 x MOPP from input to output and 1 x MOPP from both input to ground and output to ground. Input to output isolation is rated at 4000VAC with input to ground and output to ground isolation rated at 1500VAC. Both conducted and radiated emissions are class B and both series are compliant with IEC/ES/EN 60601-1 edition 3.1 and 60601-1-2 edition 4.
Both series include a 5V standby supply, overvoltage & overcurrent protection, remote sense and thermal shutdown. Also included is an ‘AC OK’ signal and remote on/off control. The u channel version of the PBR500 also provides a 12V 0.3A output suitable for powering system cooling fans.
500W-650W AC-DC power supplies for medical devices
1 min read
XP Power has announced two new ranges of AC-DC power supplies that provide BF class insulation for healthcare applications where EMC performance is a key requirement.