A low turn-off threshold voltage enables very low RDS(on) MOSFETs to operate as diodes, providing a highly efficient power system that is well-suited for target applications in telecoms systems, data centres and servers, where OR’ing two or more power supplies together provides redundancy.
With trends towards using higher system voltages to raise power distribution efficiency, the ZXGD3112N7 is also able to increase system reliability, since its use in conjunction with low RDS(on) MOSFETs allows operation at lower temperatures compared to the alternative of a Schottky-blocking diode.
In addition to increasing system efficiency, its turn‑off threshold voltage of <5mV improves light-load stability, while the ability to turn off in <600ns avoids reverse current flow and prevents a voltage drop on the common rail. A 5A sink current ensures a fast discharge of the gates of paralleled MOSFETs.