The process has been developed to enable the implementation of extremely rugged transistors with operating voltages of up to 65V.
The first product to use the process, the ART2K0FE, is a 2KW transistor with a frequency response of 0 to 650MHz, offered in an air-cavity ceramic package. It is designed to withstand the harshest conditions often found in industrial, scientific and medical applications, in roles including driving high-power CO2 lasers, plasma generators, and some MRI systems. The ART devices are suitable for use in these applications because they can handle very high voltage standing-wave ratio (VSWR) mismatches of 65:1 at 65V, which CO2 lasers and plasma generators can exhibit in operation.
Devices built on the ART process have high impedances to make them easier to integrate into products during the development phase, and to ensure greater product consistency in mass production. The process also enables devices to be built that have greater efficiency than competing LDMOS offerings. This reduces the operating costs of end applications by wasting less of the input electrical energy as heat. It also allows the devices to have greater power density, which means they can be offered in smaller and lower-cost packages, which in turn reduces their board footprint and so cuts systemic costs.
The ART devices also have a high breakdown voltage, which helps ensure that they will work consistently and reliably throughout their intended lifespan. Ampleon is also guaranteeing that the devices will be available for 15 years, to enable product designers to plan for the long term.
The ART2K0FE in an air cavity ceramic package is now sampling with reference circuits available at different frequencies. Ampleon also offers a lower thermal resistance over-moulded plastic version, the ART2K0PE. Production for both variants is expected in the second half of 2019.
Ampleon unveils rugged 2KW RF power LDMOS transistor for ISM applications
1 min read
Ampleon has released the first of a family of RF power devices based upon its Advanced Rugged Technology (ART) derivative of its proven 9th generation high voltage LDMOS process technology.