The 50V maximum input voltage and the operating temperature range up to 125°C are said to enable operations in high input voltage and high temperature applications. The device’s current consumption is 4.0µA typical during operation, and the load response characteristics allow this IC to be used in applications with large load fluctuations.
The output voltage is selectable from 2.0 to 15.0V in 0.1V steps and the input voltage range is 3.0 to 50V. The output accuracy is ±1.0% and a ceramic capacitor of 0.1µF or more can be used for input and output capacitors.
Additional features include over-current protection circuit, thermal shutdown circuit, and ON/OFF circuit. The package is lead- and halogen-free. The S-19200 Series is claimed to be AEC-Q100 qualified and the PPAP approval is also available.