The module is suitable for low-power, maintenance-free applications, such as Enterprise IoT devices in industrial or commercial applications, medical devices, sensors, and beacons. It functions in temperatures ranging from -40 to 85°C.
Laird's smartBASIC environment includes an actively expanding library of application scripts, provides features for most applications while remaining easy-to-use. To help reduce development time, applications for other modules in the BL600 series can be ported to the BL652.
A total package is available, which offers support for hardware standards, a versatile core, and a strong development environment that includes a fully featured development kit with Arduino shield connectors and support for multiple external sensors.
The module also provides support for a range of configurable interfaces, including UART, I2C, GPIO, SPI, ADC, PWM, FREQ and NFC. There are options for either an on-module antenna or an external antenna via an IPEX MHF4 connector.
In addition, provision for modular CE, FCC, IC, MIC and Bluetooth SIG approvals that cover multiple antenna listings can help speed time to production by allowing adaptation and extension of existing designs without requiring additional testing.