ERGO-CASE ‘XS’ - OKWs Wearable Small Hand Held Enclosures
1 min read
Sponsored by OKW: OKW has extended its advanced ERGO-CASE enclosures system with six new smaller size 'XS' models.

The new models are ideal for compact hand held electronic devices, and have an ergonomically contoured design which is very comfortable to hold or wear. The cases can be specified with two lateral eyelets for fitting the device to a wrist strap or belt, or an eyelet in the end for carrying it on a lanyard.
Typical applications will includes personal electronics such as medical and wellness equipment, security devices, building access and dosage detectors.
Each ERGO-CASE 'XS' consists of a top, base and intermediate ring (plain, or with one eyelet or two eyelets) which are assembled by two self-tapping screws.
The enclosures have external dimensions of 82 x 56 x 24 mm and are moulded in ABS (UL 94 HB) in off-white, or black, with the intermediate ring in grey soft-touch TPE elastomer.
The top part has a recessed area for mounting a membrane keypad or product label. Screw pillars in the top section and location pillars in the base section are provided for fitting PCBs and battery assemblies. Prices start at £10.
Accessories include belt clips, wrist straps, belt/arm straps and lanyards.
Customising options for ERGO-CASE include CNC milling and drilling of holes and cut outs, silk-screen and tampo printing of legends and logos, EMC shielding and assembly of components.
More information on these enclosures can be found on OKW's website at