The EMC2 family includes industrial grade PC/104 boards designed around either a Xilinx Zynq SoC or Xilinx Artix/Kintex FPGAs. The KU35 has two banks of 16bit DDR4, each with a bandwidth approaching 2Gbyte/s. There are also four lanes of PCI-Express.
The EMC2 family adopts the PC/104 form factor. Measuring 90 x 96mm, the boards – called OneBank – use PCI Express switches to enable boards to be stacked for demanding applications. The typical board to board bandwidth is said to be in excess of 500Mbyte/s and peak bandwidth is up 2Gbyte/s.
FMC modules have one serial lane running at up to 12.5Gbit/s that can be used for a 10Gbit Ethernet module. There are also 34 pairs of low-voltage differential parallel lines for ‘real world’ interfaces.