Laboratory power supply offers flexible 1.2kW output
1 min read
Aim-TTi has introduced a lower cost version of its QPX1200 series laboratory power supply. The new model is designated QPX1200S and is intended for applications where digital remote control is not needed.

The QPX1200S has a maximum power of 1200W and features PowerFlex regulation. This enables it to offer voltage and current combinations between 60V / 20A and 20V / 50A.
A linear output stage is included within the PowerFlex regulator. According to Aim-TTi, this gives it a low output noise of less than 3mV RMS and a transient recovery time typically 10 times better than that of conventional switch mode units.
Setting of voltage and current is fully digitally controlled via keypad or 'spin wheel' controls using instrumentation quality 16bit d/a converters. A quasi analogue interface is also included which provides zero to full scale voltage or current from 0 to 5V or 0 to 10V inputs.
A feature of the QPX1200S is its ability to directly measure low resistance by calculating the voltage/current ratio. Aim-TTi says this enables very low impedances to be measured at high currents, eliminating the potential thermal emf errors inherent in low current measurements.
The QPX1200S is suited to bench or rack mount applications, while output and sense terminals are provided on both the front and rear panels. The case has integral tilt feet, and a 3U rack mount is available as an option.