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Power Integrations announces TinySwitch-5 ICs for power supplies

Power Integrations has announced TinySwitch-5, extending the output power of its family of integrated off-line switcher ICs to 175 W.

TinySwitch-5 devices Credit: Power Integrations

The new TinySwitch-5 achieves up to 92 percent efficiency using basic diode rectification and optocoupler feedback.

TinySwitch ICs are widely used in bias and auxiliary supplies in appliance, computing, communications, industrial and medical applications providing design simplicity and high efficiency - particularly at light loads.

These ICs were the first to feature Power Integrations’ EcoSmart technology, which slashes standby power waste.

TinySwitch-5 switcher ICs feature an advanced control engine which seamlessly manages switching frequency and power delivery to maximize efficiency, even at light loads. This enables power supplies that easily meet the light-load power consumption limit of 300 mW, set by the European Commission Energy-related Products (ErP) Directive 2009/125/EC, while still delivering up to 220 mW output power for display, controls and communications functions.

An enhanced thermal package means that these ICs can deliver up to 75 W without a heatsink, and line under- and over-voltage protection ensures robustness for use in countries with unstable mains power.

Reference designs are available which describe: a 12 W single-output power supply (DER-1017); a 26.5 W dual-output power supply with excellent standby efficiency (RDR-1016); a 36 W single-output power supply with high efficiency at light load (DER-1040); and a 120 W power supply with 92 percent efficiency at 230 V AC (DER-1027).