Power Integrations expands LinkSwitch-II range
1 min read
Power Integrations has expanded its LinkSwitch-II product family with the introduction of LNK632DG.

Designed for applications with up to 3.1W of output, the device enables manufacturers to meet all worldwide energy efficiency and no load regulations for low power chargers and adapters, such as Energy Star EPS v2.0. According to PI, it enables the industry's lowest BOM cost for cellphone chargers designed to achieve a five star efficiency rating with no load power consumption of 30 mW or less. It also eliminates the need for clamping circuitry and reduces component count.
LinkSwitch-II has been designed to simplify the design of CV/CC converters by eliminating the need for optocouplers and all secondary side CV/CC control circuitry, as well as all control loop compensation circuitry. The original LinkSwitch-II devices achieve output CV and CC tolerances of +/-5% and +/-10%, respectively. The newer LNK632 part relaxes the CC specification to +/-18% while increasing the system power output by operating in continuous conduction mode. Accuracies are achieved over a 0 to 100ºC temperature range by incorporating precision enhancing features that compensate for transformer inductance tolerances, input line variations and external component temperature variations. All LinkSwitch-II devices offer frequency jittering.