RF signal generator sweeps to 6GHz
1 min read
Aim-TTi has launched a new rf signal generator which it claims is capable of sweeping from 10 to 6000MHz in a single range.

The new TGR6000 generator has several sweep modes including step sweep and list sweep. In step sweep, the frequency and/or amplitude are stepped between two fixed points using up to 1000 steps which can have a fixed time period or a triggered interval. Sweeps can be linear or logarithmic, up or down.
In list sweep, frequency and amplitude points are defined within a table enabling any sweep pattern to be used. Dwell times are fully adjustable down to 10ms.
The TGR6000 covers a frequency range of 10 to 6000MHz at an output level of between -110 and 7dBm, adjustable in 0.1 dB steps. The frequency resolution is 10Hz, and the internal timebase stability is said to be better than one part in 10^6. An external reference can be used for higher accuracy.
The TGR6000 is intended for CW signal applications and has no built in modulations. Full digital remote control facilities are provided through the GPIB, RS232, USB, and LAN (Ethernet) interfaces.