SerDes transceiver targets automotive rear view video safety systems
1 min read
Intersil has announced the availability of the ISL76321, a serialiser/deserialiser (SerDes) interface IC targeting automotive rear view safety systems.

According to Intersil, the single chip transceiver solution simplifies system design by sending video data, bidirectional control information and power across a single shielded twisted pair (sto) cable.
The ISL76321 concentrates up to 16bits wide video data and bi directional I2C control information onto a single high speed STP cable, and can transmit data in excess of 20metres.
Remote control of the far end of the link allows a controller to access an imager via its I2C interface through which operating modes and adjustments, such as exposure and windowing, can be made. This feature facilitates camera operation under dynamically changing conditions. Sending control data over the same cable as the video data eliminates unnecessary complexity in wiring looms and reduces weight.
A camera link comprises a pair of ISL76321s connected via a single STP cable to establish a high resolution, serial data link between a remote video camera and a central control unit. This interface transceiver accommodates a pixel clock range from 8 to 50MHz, and raw data rates up to 1000Mb/s. This provides a link for a host of automotive video based passive and active safety systems including Lane Departure Warning, Signpost Recognition and Pedestrian Avoidance systems.
The ISL76321 uses industry standard 8/10b encoding to improve signal integrity as well as giving the link hot plugging capability. Even in noisy environments, the line rate locking PLL system (10microseconds to lock) is designed to ensure the reliability of the link.
Qualified to AECQ100 grade 2 (-40 to 105°C), it is supplied in a 48lead TQFN package.