Single and three phase non invasive ac current probes
GMC-I PROSyS has introduced its PRO-flex ACP 3000 series of flexible ac current probes. The probes measure ac current from 100mA to 3 or to 6kA, depending on the model. Each features three ranges (30/300/3000A or 60/600/6000A) which, according to the company, covers almost every light industrial or industrial measurement application, including power quality and transient currents, machine monitoring and commissioning, and welding.

The probe head provides measurements that are non invasive and require no disconnection of primary conductors or electrical connections to the primary circuit. Rogowski coil technology has been employed to ensure accuracy, linearity and wide dynamic range measurements. The sensing coil or coils are said to be flexible, air cored and lightweight.
According to the company, each individual detecting coil features an advanced coupling design which ensures accurate, consistent closure of the loop, provides sealing to IP65 for use in harsh environments, and virtually eliminates the influence of external magnetic fields and off centre conductor position on measured results.
The integrator unit measures 110 x 65 x 23mm and connects to the probe head coil assemblies via 2m of cable.