Software enables measurements on up to 128 isolated channels
1 min read
New acquisition and utility software has been introduced to add additional functionality to the Yokogawa SL1000 pc based data acquisition system.

Extra functionality provided by the software includes the ability to link and synchronise multiple SL1000 units, new triggering and display capabilities, support for the Windows Vista operating system, waveform interpolation and CSV file conversion. In addition, there are a number of enhancements to the setup, display and measurement operations.
A significant feature of the new software is the ability to interconnect and synchronise up to eight SL1000 units, allowing simultaneous measurements on up to 128 channels. In this configuration, one unit is allocated as the master for controlling functions such as start/stop, triggering and alarms.
The software also includes file transfer functions and other utilities which ease the handling and merging of measurement files from multiple synchronised units.
The Yokogawa SL1000 is a pc based data acquisition unit designed to provide high speed data logging and fast data transfer in electro mechanical and power measurement applications.
Featuring 100 MS/s sampling on 16 channels and isolated inputs for high voltage measurements, the SL1000 is also equipped with logging and control software for quick start and set up. It can transfer data to a pc or record to its internal hard drive at rates up to 1.6MS/s, while data transfer is via USB 2.0 or 1000BASE-T gigabit Ethernet. A stand alone mode also allows data logging without a PC.