Spectrum Instrumentation launches flagship series of AWG cards in PCIe format

2 mins read

Engineers now have a way to produce high frequency arbitrary waveforms, with high purity and low distortion, directly from their PC.

Credit: Spectrum Instrumentation

Using PCIe flagship AWG cards from Spectrum Instrumentation, it is possible to generate nearly any waveform with up to 10 GS/s output rates, 2.5 GHz bandwidth and 16-bit vertical resolution.

The new cards are a powerful alternative to benchtop AWGs that often face a bottleneck when loading data for new waveforms. The cards offer an onboard memory of up to 8 GigaSamples (16 GB) and the possibility to stream data at up to 10 GigaBytes per second directly from CPUs or even GPUs. Four different models make up the M5i.63xx AWG series.

The four AWG variants deliver waveform generation with bandwidths of 2.5 and 1.5 Gigahertz (GHz) and output rates of 10, 5 or 3.2 Gigasamples per second (GS/s). The units combine 16-bit vertical resolution with programmable full-scale outputs. Single outputs deliver up to ±500 mV into 50 Ohm and ±1.0 V into high impedance loads - or double the range in differential mode.

Each card comes with 2 GSample of onboard memory (8 GSample optional) and high-speed data transfer using a 16 lane, Gen 3, PCIe bus. This ultrafast bus allows data to be sent to cards at 10 GB/s. For demanding applications, data can even be continuously streamed directly to the AWG for replay in a FIFO mode - a process that allows almost limitless waveform production.

Waveforms can be output in Single-shot, Repeated and Multiple Replay modes. To maximise memory efficiency, Multiple Replay can be used to output segmented data and can also be combined with FIFO streaming. Waveform replay can be initiated by a simple software command or via a trigger event. Trigger signals can be input on two external trigger lines.

Individual cards have one or two analogue output channels. To create larger multi-channel systems, cards can be connected using Spectrum’s proprietary Star-Hub clock and trigger synchronisation module. Star-Hub allows systems with up to eight cards to share a common clock and trigger, delivering fully synchronous output rates of 5 GS/s on up to 16 channels, or 10 GS/s on up to eight channels.

The four new models of the M5i.63xx AWG series and the seven variants of the M5i.33xx digitizer series are designed for working together, making them suitable for use in stimulus-response, receiver-transmitter or closed-loop type testing systems.

For example, if two Star-Hubs are used, ultrafast MIMO systems can be built that contain up to 8 AWGs and 8 digitizers. This allows the creation of systems with up to 16 transmit and 16 receiver channels, each channel with 5 GS/s.

For easy system integration, the front-panel hosts four multi-function SMA connectors. These can perform a variety of Input/Output tasks like Asynchronous Digital-I/O, Synchronous Digital-Out, Trigger Output, Run and Arm status flags, or the System Clock. By switching the multi-function I/O lines to digital outputs, another four synchronous output channels can be added to the AWG. As such, a single AWG card can generate up to two analogue and four digital outputs, in parallel, at full speed.

As an option, a Digital Pulse Generator firmware is available to turn the four digital outputs into digital generators outputs. All these features are very helpful when interfacing with other equipment for experiment control or in OEM projects.

Fully programmable, the cards run under Windows or LINUX operating systems, using today’s most popular and powerful software languages. All products are shipped together with SDKs for C++, C#, Python, VB.NET, Julia, Java and IVI. Drivers are also provided for third-party software products LabVIEW and MATLAB.