Its 4.5V to 150V input voltage range is intended to enable the device to operate from a high input voltage source or from an input that has high voltage surges, eliminating the need for external surge suppression devices.
The output voltage can be set from 1.2V to 150V at output currents up to 10s of amps, depending on the choice of external components. The device’s powerful 1.3Ω N-channel MOSFET gate drivers can be adjusted from 6V to 10V, enabling the use of logic-level or standard threshold MOSFETs. To prevent high on-chip power dissipation in high input voltage applications, the LTC3779 also includes an NDRV pin which drives the gate of an optional external N-channel MOSFET acting as a low dropout linear regulator to supply IC bias power.
The EXTVcc pin permits the LTC3779 to be powered from the output or other available source up to 36V, reducing power dissipation and improving efficiency.
Additional features include input or output average current limit, a power good output voltage monitor, adjustable soft-start and input overvoltage lockout and output voltage disconnect during shutdown.
The LTC3779 is available in a 38-lead TSSOP package with additional pin spacing for high voltage operation. Two operating junction temperature grades are available, with extended and industrial versions from –40°C to 125°C and a high temperature automotive version from –40°C to 150°C.