u-blox launches Bluetooth Angle-of-Arrival solution for indoor asset tracking

u-blox has announced u-locate, a new indoor positioning solution.

Credit: u-blox

Based on Bluetooth LE AoA (Angle-of-Arrival), u-locate delivers positioning accuracy levels down to 10 centimetres while ensuring extended tag battery lifetimes.

The flexible and modular solution targets RTLS (real-time location system) solution providers and systems integrators, with end-user indoor tracking applications in warehousing, manufacturing, healthcare and many more. Easy-to-configure, the mobile application includes an extensive management support tool and anchors with self-aware orientation making installations easier.

u-locate’s advanced AoA positioning algorithms deliver much greater accuracy while reducing the cost of tracking assets, enabling a wider range of use cases. The combination of Bluetooth 5.1 technology with the optimised antenna configuration delivers improved levels of positioning accuracy, without compromising power consumption.

The solution scales easily as the end-user installation grows, and futureproofing is underpinned with OTA (over-the-air) software updates ensuring continuous access to new features and updates.

The flexible solution can be tailored according to the needs of the application and consists of a positioning middleware (u-locateHub), a positioning engine (u-locateEngine), anchor points (u-locateAnchor) and tags (u-locateTag). It can be complemented with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) products from u-blox, to guarantee seamless indoor and outdoor localisation. 

u-locateHub complies with the omlox global interoperability standard and its well-documented API platform contains various APIs, supporting integration with multiple vendor solutions.