SCHURTER has combined its circuit breakers with thermal operation (T12) and thermal-magnetic operation (TM12) with its MSM series metal switches to create the T12-MSM, a market innovation that marries overcurrent protection with an attractive pushbutton design.
The MSM switches are characterised by their visual appeal and operating characteristics. Both housing and actuator are made from high quality stainless steel and there is a variety of design options, including size, colour, lighting and inscription.
The T12 and TM12 are reliable circuit breakers with positive trip-free operation. The contacts open even if the reset button is held manually in the closed position. They protect equipment reliably with rated currents ranging from 50mA to 16A. The optional magnetic release protects against increased risk of short circuits.
The combination of the T12 circuit breaker and the MSM switch combines these features into a robust product. With a vandalproof design, IP64 protection and IK 07 impact resistance, the T12-MSM is suited for outdoor applications and for use in harsh environments. Additionally, the circuit breaker’s novel look and feel allows it to stand out from similar products as a true designer piece, suitable for mounting on the front of equipment, where appealing design is paramount.
The T12-MSM offers unprecedented product design opportunities for applications where moderate overcurrents can occur. Among possible applications are those requiring electromechanical shielding, outdoor applications and, especially applications, with electric motors.