Ada Programming Language Public Training course, London, UK, September 8-12 2014
1 min read
This Ada Training Course from AdaCore & Vector Software provides a complete introduction to programming in Ada, allowing software engineers to get to grips with the language and related technologies. This course is open for subscription today by contacting <a href=""></a>

Ada & SPARK have been used in many high-integrity software development projects needing to answer to Avionic & Military Certification constraints such as DO178 B/C & DEFSTAN 00-56. Comprising both lectures and hands-on lab sessions, the course will provide a full introduction to programming in Ada and is ideal for software engineers joining a new or existing Ada project. Attendees will receive an introduction to some of the major features introduced in Ada 2012 (notably contract-based programming) as well as an overview of the formal verification techniques in SPARK 2014, and will use AdaCore's latest GNAT technology for the workshop exercises.
The agenda for the training session is as follows:
DAY 1 - Language basics
• Introduction and Rationale
• Declarations
• Basic Types
• Statements
• Arrays
DAY 2 - Composite data structures and architecture
• Records
• Subprograms
• Packages
DAY 3 - Advanced Program architecture day 1
• Privacy
• Exceptions
• Access Types
DAY 4 - Advanced Program architecture day 2
• Inheritance
• Limited Types
• Genericity
• Elaboration
DAY 5 - Ada 2012 update
• Contracts and Aspects
• New expressions in Ada 2012
• Structure and visibility improvements
• Containers and iterators
For more details on this training course, or to signup, please contact