OMC offers wide colour range of custom LCDs & backlights targeting low and mid volume applications
1 min read
Profiled LED backlight technology minimizes set up costs: OMC's Profiled LED backlighting technology perfectly complements custom LCD glass modules, for the first time enabling designers requiring displays for relatively low volume applications to be able to choose a full-custom option.

OMC, the pioneer in optoelectronics - LED lighting, backlighting and industrial fibre optic transmission components – has announced that its Profiled LED backlighting technology perfectly complements custom LCD glass modules, for the first time enabling designers requiring displays for relatively low volume applications to be able to choose a full-custom option.
OMC's Profiled backlight technology ensures that very consistent illumination is provided across the entire display. Uniquely, they can feature single or dual chip LEDs depending on power output availability and requirements, and they are available in full RGB and blue/white colours. Complementing a standard product range which numbers over 250 different sizes, OMC can turn around bespoke-shaped backlights is as little as five working days with set up costs starting as low as £50. OMC supports its customers during the design process to simplify module design and assembly costs by integrating assembly features into the backlights.
Comments OMC's commercial director, William Heath. "Designers can sometimes source custom LCD glass more easily than custom backlights, and our Profiled backlight technology is often the only viable option for small to medium volume (under 10,000 pieces) requirements. The package we offer with custom LCD manufacturers means – for the first time - that projects with low production runs can benefit from a unique brand identity which is only achievable using a custom display. For higher volumes, we also offer moulded backlights."