WEBENCH Design Center
1 min read
WEBENCH Designer tools are powerful software algorithms and visual interfaces that deliver complete power, lighting, and sensing applications in seconds. This enables the user to make value based comparisons at a system and supply chain level before a design is committed.

Use the popular WEBENCH® designer tools to simultaneously compare the performance of multiple devices in multiple circuit requirements. Get instant access to the latest simulation models, parametric data and package information for power, lighting, and sensing applications. WEBENCH designer tools feature both fundamental tools for creating single-circuit designs and advanced tools for creating system-level designs.
Here is an overview of the Single-Circuit Design Tools, Advanced Hierarchical Design Tools and the Model Simulation software:
Single-Circuit Design Tools
• WEBENCH® Power Designer
• WEBENCH® LED Designer
• WEBENCH® Sensor AFE Designer
• WEBENCH® Sensor Designer
Advanced Hierarchical Design Tools
• WEBENCH® Power Architect
• WEBENCH® System Power Architect
• WEBENCH® Processor Power Architect
• WEBENCH® FPGA Power Architect
• WEBENCH® LED Architect
Model Simulation
TINA-TI™ Spice Simulation Software
• Easy-to-use, SPICE-based analog simulation program
• Library of active and passive TI macro models
• Thousands of integrated models and circuits for amplifiers and switching power supply components. View all TINA-TI and PSpice models at ti.com/spicerack.
WEBENCH® Optimizer Dial
The WEBENCH Optimizer Dial makes it easy to tune WEBENCH circuit-creation algorithms in minutes. Initial results are set for a balanced design solution with a focus on ease of design and a balance between small footprint and high efficiency. Review the output, turn the dial again, and instantly compare alternatives. The system values of the best design to meet your requirements are displayed beneath the Optimizer Dial. The Visualizer is used to simultaneously view dozens of designs to get the best solution. Find solutions from more than 120 component manufacturers and electronic distributors and more than 24,000 components with price and availability updated hourly. You can fine tune any system in minutes by ordering the resulting BuildIt! kit with components that ship within 3 days (Europe).