Evening Seminar: Interdependencies and Resilient Infrastructure
1 min read
Taking place on Wednesday 14th April, 2010, 5.15 pm at Birkbeck College, London, the event will be hosted by Prof Robin Bloomfield, Head of Centre for Software Reliability, City University, London and founder Adelard LLP.

The interdependencies within systems are central to delivering resilience: they are also a potential source of vulnerability and risk. Prof Bloomfield will examine the challenges posed by the need to understand and evaluate the resilience of infrastructures, including intangible 'soft' infrastructures, and will discuss the potential contribution from the safety and computer science communities.
This evening seminar will be held at Birkbeck College, London, commencing at 5:45, with tea from 5:15. Robin Bloomfield will speak for about an hour, followed by questions. Attendance at the meeting is free of charge, but visitors must register in advance. After the seminar, attendees can, at their own expense, join the speaker for informal discussions over dinner.
http://www.scsc.org.uk/sss To register, readers should email Paul.boca@googlemail.com.
For more editorial information, please contact
Chris Dale, SCSC Event Coordinator, on 01935 824966, and chris.dale@scsc.org.uk.
The seminar is organised jointly by the Safety Critical Systems Club (http://www.scsc.org.uk) and the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, Formal Aspects of Computer Science Specialist Group, as part of SERENE 2010, the 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems, April 13-16, 2010 (http://serene2010.uni.lu/)