Software Safety – Where’s the Evidence?

1 min read

Tuesday 5th April, 2011, London

With systems increasingly software centred, demonstrating system safety can sometimes seem impossible. This workshop, brought to you by the Safety Critical Systems Club (SCSC) will discuss software reliability and safety, with the aim of identifying the current state of the art, the principal questions that need to be addressed, and the difficulties to be overcome in addressing them. It is suitable for engineers, managers and others who have a professional interest in the evidence of software safety – i.e. those who collect the evidence, analyse it, make decisions based on it, assess these decisions or their results, or are affected by such decisions. The workshop will examine many sources of safety evidence, including design and production; testing, deployment and assessment; and operational use. It will consider many kinds of evidence, such as analyses of products at various stages of development, results of product use (in testing and operation), data about the processes used to develop the product, and even legal and contractual evidence. Each session of the workshop will be introduced by a domain expert – and chaired so as to keep the discussions relevant and progressive. Key points of consensus and uncertainty will be documented for the benefit of the community with the aim that this workshop will lead to a continuing discussion on software reliability and safety – at subsequent workshops, in the Safety Systems newsletter, and in other media. To club members the cost is £145, including lunch and refreshments (VAT is not charged). Non-members pay an extra £95 for Club membership (of which £14.15 is VAT). Joining instructions and the programme will be sent to registered delegates about two weeks before the event. Delegates must book their own accommodation (if required). An application form is on the SCSC web site For more information, or to book a place, contact Chris Dale, SCSC event coordinator, on 01935 824966 or