25th anniversary for system design software
1 min read
National Instruments has launched the 25th anniversary version of its system design software, NI LabView 2011.

According to the company, the new version can dramatically increase development efficiency through new engineering specific libraries and its ability to interact with almost any hardware device or deployment target. This includes the new multicore NI CompactRIO controller and the NI PXIe-5665, one of the industry's highest performing rf vector signal analysers. It has been designed to support assemblies built in the latest Microsoft .NET framework.
Jeff Kodosky, National Instruments Business and Technology Fellow, Cofounder and inventor of LabView, said: "Twenty five years ago, we created LabView to help engineers focus on innovating instead of wrestling with complicated programming and system integration issues, and today, it has become the ultimate system design software for measurement and control. With each new version, whether by ensuring integration with the latest hardware, introducing new libraries and APIs or implementing engineer requested features, our primary objective remains to increase productivity in any engineering situation."