37 WEEE schemes approved
1 min read
The Environment Agency has now approved 37 compliance schemes, helping companies to meet the requirements of the WEEE Regulations by collecting and recycling products on their behalf.

Bob Mead, WEEE project manager for the Environment Agency, said: “We have now published the full list of approved compliance schemes that applied to us during January to help producers … meet the new regulations.”
As part of the registration process, producers will need to pay a registration fee to the compliance scheme they would like to join and supply data on how much electrical and electronic equipment they placed on the market in 2006. They may be charged a membership fee, which the individual schemes will decide on.
Following this, each compliance scheme has until 31 March 2007 to register its members with the relevant environment agency, which will issue each producer with a producer registration number. The producer will need to give this registration number to anyone who distributes or sells their products.
Mead continued: “We are now working to our next priority to approve the facilities in England and Wales that will be involved in recycling the waste equipment.”