ASIC conversion technology promises new chips for old within 20 weeks
Israel based KaiSemi is looking to come to the assistance of companies whose chips are encountering end of life issues.

According to the company, its proprietary conversion technology can convert any fpga or asic into a functionally identical asic. All the company requires is the customer's netlist; after that, it manages the entire manufacturing and shipping process, providing the customer with a drop in replacement within 20 weeks.
"As process geometries become smaller and the lifecycles of products and technologies become shorter, more hardware companies face end of life problems," said Tomer Kabakov, KaiSemi's vp of sales and marketing. "We are able to supply a pin to pin, functionally identical asic, based on the netlist of the obsolete component. The KaiSemi flow is automatic and transparent to the customer."
KaiSemi uses a tool developed in house to perform an automated conversion directly from the original netlist, using a preinstalled database of various fab processes and libraries.