Cadence announces first major toolbox for MATLAB/Simulink Model deployment

2 mins read

Cadence has announced the first major release of the DSP code-generation toolbox for rapidly deploying MATLAB and Simulink models to Cadence Tensilica HiFi DSPs.

Credit: Cadence

Developing software for digital signal processors (DSPs) traditionally involves a multi-step process: crafting the algorithm code in a specialised tool, adapting it for a specific domain, and implementing it onto the DSP.

However, given the growing demand for enhanced features and user experiences, this process has become increasingly time-consuming.

According to Cadence its new toolbox is set to transform how engineers and algorithm developers create and implement audio algorithms. Supporting optimised code generation for the HiFi 4 DSP, HiFi 5 DSP, and HiFi 5s DSP, this release will enable developers to target optimised implementations for these HiFi DSPs using MATLAB and Simulink.

Using this toolbox, engineers can achieve greater efficiency and precision, streamlining the process of designing high-quality audio applications.

“Cadence's new MATLAB and Simulink code-generation toolbox for HiFi DSPs offers a seamless, efficient, and optimised method for algorithm development, making it easier for our customers to deliver the superior sound quality that today’s consumers demand,” explained Prakash Madhvapathy, Product Marketing Director in the Compute Solutions Group at Cadence. “By integrating directly with MATLAB and Simulink’s rich environment, the toolbox enables developers to rapidly prototype and test their audio processing algorithms, significantly reducing the time to market for innovative audio products.”

Cadence worked closely with MathWorks, the creators of MATLAB and Simulink, to integrate its software during development.

“Engineers and scientists worldwide use MathWorks software to accelerate discovery and innovation in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics. Cadence provides target-optimised code generation support for deployment to Tensilica DSP hardware, making it easier for MATLAB and Simulink users to develop, simulate, and implement algorithms for efficient processing,” remarked Jim Tung, MathWorks Fellow. “We're excited to see how Cadence's DSP code generation toolbox will enhance audio algorithm development in MATLAB and Simulink for Tensilica DSPs."

Specifically, with the HiFi DSP hardware support package available for download from the MathWorks website, the code-generation toolbox integrates with the Cadence SDK toolchain. This allows users to generate, optimise, build, run, and verify C code generated from MATLAB scripts and Simulink blocks on Cadence Tensilica HiFi processors.

The toolbox offers code optimisation for HiFi DSPs, operators, standard math functions, custom functions, and DSP System Toolbox functions and Simulink blocks.

The launch of Cadence’s DSP code-generation toolbox for rapidly deploying MATLAB and Simulink models on Tensilica HiFi DSPs is being seen as a big step forward in audio algorithm development. By streamlining the traditionally complex process of algorithm creation and implementation, this toolbox helps engineers and developers to work more efficiently and accurately.

The toolbox is ready for immediate use and is available now from Cadence and in Q4 2024 from the MathWorks website.