Converter boasts accuracy and small footprint
Analog Devices has launched the AD5683R D/A converter. The 16bit single channel nanoDAC+ converter is said to extend the company's nanoDAC portfolio by providing high performance in smaller packages.

With a relative accuracy of ±2LSB INL and a 2ppm/°C 2.5V reference, the converter is supplied in an 8 lead LFCSP or a 10 lead MSOP, depending on the device selected. The company notes the combination of features and package size allows analogue designers to address a wider range of applications without having to trade accuracy for footprint.
With 16, 14, 12 and 10bit options available, the AD5683R D/A converter is said to provide a versatile, pin compatible upgrade or downgrade path for a range of markets.
Suiting open loop applications, the 2.5V reference saves board space and removes the need for calibration against temperature. Meanwhile, the 2mV total unadjusted error is said to eliminate the need for initial calibration/adjustment.