Crypto Quantique secures IoT

1 min read

Crypto Quantique, a specialist in quantum-driven cybersecurity for the internet of things (IoT), has announced that it is to make its universal IoT security platform, QuarkLink, available to semiconductor manufacturers and systems integrators.

QuarkLink can be used by companies that use root-of-trust (RoT) solutions of their own, or those sourced from other vendors.

The platform was originally designed to work with Crypto Quantique’s own quantum-derived root-of-trust IP, called QDID.

The QuarkLink platform’s capabilities have been designed to be far more comprehensive than typical key management services. It is able to handle provisioning, including secure firmware and cryptographic keys, automated secure onboarding, and security monitoring, including firmware encryption, signing and secure updates over-the-air, and certificate and key renewal and revocation.

With some RoTs, including QDID, QuarkLink eliminates the need for hardware security modules (HSMs) and key injection, saving cost and time, while increasing security.

QuarkLink can be set up in minutes by engineers without specialist IoT security knowledge. End-point devices are then connected to servers through cryptographic APIs, using just a few keystrokes to initiate an automated process capable of onboarding thousands of devices in seconds to a server platform, or to multiple platforms simultaneously.

Above: QuarkLink enables secure chip-to-cloud connectivity at scale with just a few keystrokes

AWS, Microsoft and Mosquito are among the cloud services currently supported and more are to follow.

“Making QuarkLink available for use with root-of-trust solutions other than our own enables engineers to rapidly and securely scale IoT deployments for their existing devices. It also creates a seamless path for upgrading to our own unforgeable root-of-trust IP, QDID, in future designs,” said Crypto Quantique’s CEO, Shahram Mossayebi.

QDID generates random, unforgeable cryptographic keys on-demand in silicon by measuring the quantum effects in chips manufactured on standard CMOS processes.