DDR3 to account for 89% of 2011 dram market share

1 min read

DDR3 will remain the dominant technology in the dram market for 2011, with a market share averaging 85 to 90%, according to IHS iSuppli.

The market analyst adds that it will remain so for at least three more years before the arrival of a faster, next generation version. IHS projects DDR3 to account for 89% of this year's shipments of around 808million dram mobile units, a year on year increase of 67%. Research shows that DDR2 is 'already on its way out', making up just 9% of this year's market, down from 29% in 2010. The analyst forecasts that the market share for DDR3 will rise for the next two years – 92% in 2012 and 94% the following year, before an 'irreversable cycle of decline' that will start in 2014. DDR4, which handles data at a much faster speed than DDR3, is expected to make its first appearance in 2014 and IHS believes it will immediately garner around a 12% share of the market. By 2015, from total dram module shipments of approximately 1.1billion units, IHS expects it to take a majority share of the market at 56%, compared to 42% for DDR3.